Behaving In Passive Aggressive
  •  11/11/2019 14:20

Sugarcoated hostility is socially acceptable, it is easily rationalized and also considered sweet revenge

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Harmonizing, neither one has given anything up
  •  10/11/2019 18:15

Harmonizing is soul based, both accept each other for who they are

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A Sure Way For People To Resent You, Be Petty
  •  09/11/2019 09:30

Judgement is one of the last most difficult vices of the mind to let go

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Stress - Emotions Have A Powerful Effect On The Body
  •  08/11/2019 17:10

Stress can affect all aspects of your life, No part of the body is immune

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Habits - Awareness Is The First Step To Change
  •  08/11/2019 12:30

Habits define our character, our thoughts and feelings and our ‘usual’ behaviors

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Nikola Tesla Code 369 - All Is Vibrating Energy, Especially THOUGHT!
  •  07/11/2019 15:30

The numbers 3,6,9 are numbers that represent the spiritual world, which govern the physical world

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Meditation - Healing Through Stable State Of Mind
  •  06/11/2019 12:30

Meditation is one of those things where the journey is more important than the destination.

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Mind Over Matter - Our Subconscious Mind
  •  05/11/2019 13:50

Our subconscious mind is the filter by which we perceive all events that happen in our lives.

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Music - Therapeutic and Healthy Communication
  •  03/11/2019 10:30

Music triggers pleasure in our brain which helps our mood and health

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Children - Discovering Their Individuality
  •  03/11/2019 10:27

Aesthetics builds confidence, self awareness and discovery in children

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Jokes And Smileys
  •  31/10/2019 22:45

Making others happy by getting them to laugh and smile

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Let's Talk Food
  •  31/10/2019 22:00

Cooking is art and some of us have to accept that passion is part of being a great cook

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