23 Feb

Sensitive Enough To Feel Deeply, Yet In Difficult Circumstances Seem Unfazed And Incredibly Strong

It can, and does occur that some incredibly strong people are also some of the most ultra sensitive souls.

You'll probably find these bighearted people being the first to jump in to help someone in a tricky situation without wanting more than a thank you in return.
Although the world is wild and sometimes a scary place, we all do have to learn fairly early that life does have some hidden agenda for us all

On just the basic principal that every single person has been bestowed with a combination of the good, the bad and the mediocre cards of life 
This state of being forces us to always be on alert for the subtle spatial course of events
Our senses grow a binding understanding that we must be watchful for opportunities to quickly seize whatever feels right (under the given circumstance) these choices presented themselves to us

And  eventually, we grow up to learn that everyone calls this 'as our choices'

The beautiful nature of this path is that every human being based on whichever choice they make their journey has lessons that only they must learn

The sooner human beings realize that we are all moving through our own 'seasons of life' and that our journey is constantly demanding we become more in touch with our soul rather than our ego's
This is when everything becomes more clear and makes better sense, brings calm and real inner peace, and remember this.....

Sometimes you lead and sometimes you must be lead, that's the fact of life everything else is part of this lessons

Although incredibly, in every relevant respect each individual's lessons are all arriving and embracing a defined method in obtaining a certain result

When we think of people with great strength of character they may give you the impression that everything they do is uncomplicated and simple, in reality, you are just experiencing their 'attitude and self-confidence'

Their strength has everything to do with how much effort and energy they have invested on how to devise a course of action with excessive care in the consideration or treatment of details

And trusting their inner ability for the outcome they desire and the importance of being knowledgeable rather than living in a fog.

Their sensitivity allows them to be attuned to the details and hard truths of reality

To a high degree they're strong enough to process the things that may go unnoticed and bring it to the forefront of attention to others.

There are some distinct patterns to detect their sensitivity (and caring nature) that should make you realize that they're much more than just someone who knows what to do

These are some of the characteristics of highly sensitive strong people:

They're in touch with the feelings of others, but they don’t sugarcoat or gloss over things that need to be addressed

They never place themselves as the one in charge of making the decisions yet collaborate to help with solutions when others need the help

They’re able to empathize and sit through the pain with a friend, but also there to help them stand back up to keep on moving forward without attempting to downplay the time required to process the healing process

And, they wouldn't dream of ever giving someone 'toxic positive' advice or even use passive aggressive statements just to get a reaction because in their mind they may think the other person is not trying 'hard enough'

They’re sensitive enough to know when something isn’t quite right.
Basically they don’t allow others to show contempt and won’t allow themselves to dish it out, either

They will refuse to get engaged in every battle that comes their way
But when necessary they will respond, not react especially when their boundaries are not being met with respect

They have a tendency to exercise caution with the choice of words so that their message is understood in a clear proper way

And they will definitely have excellent manners
With a way they present themselves to others that reflect them being pleasant, delightful and sometimes funny or an amusing person to be around with

Their inner strength and sensitivity draws people to them that gives off the signal of trust, loyalty, comfort and hope

Because all of the above requires the act of will on the part of the individual

We become what our attitude, voice, and gesture's are
The state of constantly working to improve our character never ends for our entire life journey

Quote for us:
People need to learn that their actions do affect other people. So be careful what you say and do, it's not always just about you. - Anonymous


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