03 Nov

Raising children can be fun and happy

From my own experience, it was a joy raising two girls
it was even more fun allowing them to discover their individual
talents and preferences

From the moment of birth upwards educational toys helped with the process of discovery, imagination, interests and curiosity with play

Besides their academic and sport talents it is vital to let them
dwell deeply in aesthetics

Music, singing, dancing and art are expressive activities
part of it is to allow the child to experience their natural senses

In our earlier days our children didn't have technology and gadgets
that kept them distracted with the virtual world we have today

Parents had to fight boredom and keep their kids motivated, encouraged
with their natural talents that are a gift which should be taken
seriously and explored

Since the world changed we have to keep aware with newer stimulants
that may change the way the next generation grows up to be

Most tech CEO's have admitted that they don't allow their own kids
to use gadgets too early in their life because they want to encourage their kids to discover and explore the world first

It seems with that message it would be better for the early part of kids lives to stay focused on more natural and organic stimulants

Besides, technology has become so easy to use that no one will be left behind, it also turns out that
'it's  a personal choice, taste and passion' that will develop pretty fast

It just means that the old ways are still essentially useful and wise
to a balance of discovery

A quote for us
"Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure."

- Confucius

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