08 Nov

Habits are routines of unconscious behavior patterns that are repeated regularly

Habits define our character, our thoughts and feelings and our ‘usual’ behaviors

Habits are behaviors that are nearly or completely involuntary and because they are repeated frequently, we become ‘better’ at them

A habit can be thought of as a link between a stimulus and a response.
It serves as a mental connection between a trigger thought or event and our response to that trigger
A habit can also be an addiction

Not many of us realize how much power lies in our ordinary day-to-day routines.
We might not realize some of these habits right away, but they usually make themselves apparent in the long-term. By recognizing and erasing our toxic habits from our lives, we can improve our well-being and quality of life.

Change might not be fast and it isn’t always easy. But with time and effort, almost any habit can be reshaped. — Charles Duhigg

Changing habits is pretty much like moving away from your comfort zone
it requires effort and consistency

Sometimes what we say we dislike to do may just need a different perspective to see the value of it, recognizing that life is not all about having everything comfortable and nice

Adapting and changing the mindset will help to fix habits that don't serve you or that are interfering with your health, relationships, progress, etc

What is important to remember is that you are the one responsible to access, prioritize and make the changes to quit a habit if it's going to work for you....most often, bad habits carry a guilt tag with it and also feelings of depression after the fact

Notice that some individuals that are centered, and satisfied appear to feel upbeat even in the hardest of circumstances, they share similar emotions and anxieties but yet their outlook, their objectives, and, in particular, their positive habits keep their thoughts on the right track 

Habits are a settled tendency in which someone conducts himself in a controlled manner by the characteristic interaction of the individual socially or privately, which together constitute the whole distinctive quality of the individuals life

Quote for us

Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny
- Mahatma Gandhi

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