12 Nov

Do As I Say..... Don't Do As I Do
Will Never Get You Successful Results

We have all been told that our children will follow our example, not our advice
Since this is a good example of how we bring children up it should also be a reminder how important this is with our adult life
Today we see so many people wanting to know how great leaders are leading the way by wanting them to reveal their practices, nature, or behavior

While this is flattering, it should be something we all should ponder about since after all and in retrospect 'we are actually all leaders'

As adults, we have to earn a living and our focus on this starts gaining momentum through our job skills

Nothing of value comes without being earned
You cant demand respect because of a title or a position, but in the long run people respond to what they see

Since people are watching and are being influenced by our behavior, for better or worse, we are teaching how others behave and respond to us be it in the office, home, friends, etc

While our words matter, what we do matters far more
Translate those principles into action - people are influenced by example in an intentional and productive way
The most successful leaders genuinely enjoy responsibilities, have positive energy & attitude, are problem solvers; avoid procrastination, invest in relationships, make others feel safe to speak openly and challenge people to think

They focus on building camaraderie among people in a common cause which build effective long term relationships. They listen, understand and acknowledge the contributions of others - building relationships is one of their strongest skills sets

Their decisions are from an accumulation of experiences and encounters with a multitude of different circumstances, personality types and unforeseen failures

We are all leaders in life and action is what counts, not our words

Quote for us

Each day you are leading by example. Whether you realize it or not or whether it's positive or negative, you are influencing those around you
- Rob Liano

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