31 Oct

Food is something that we all like to talk about

Some of us are not the famous cooks we wish we were
but that doesn't mean our taste buds aren't skilled

I grew up with a Mom that was a wiz in the kitchen, actually she was so talented in everything she did
deep down I always thought it was odd that I didn't pick up her cooking talent

One day in conversation I asked her 
"Mom, why can't I cook like you?
Her reply
Do you love cooking or is it just another chore?"

That put everything into perspective, so with that said,
I am much more skilled at eating

I am so good at eating that I am the last to leave the table
as I thoroughly enjoy each bite.

Oh, and junk food is not my thing
I happen to like no fuss, simple, quick, tasty dishes to make
which turn out to be very to moderate healthy

I leave my friends and family to carry the torch
while my kids keep reassuring me that they love my cooking. bless them!!!!!

Will be sharing food dishes that may be landing on someone's menu
just because it came up in this blog

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