12 Dec

Extroverts and introverts are two opposite  personality types

Our personalities are made up of what psychologists call “The Big 5” personality traits, which have the acronym OCEAN: openness to experience, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism, says Scott Bea, PsyD, a psychologist at the Cleveland Clinic

It can influence everything from our social views, to our relationships, to our careers and a big part of how we think and act
Extroverts are social butterflies, they energize by being in the company of others, they love communicating with people, they easily bounce from person to person and can talk for long stretches of time - thriving on the energy of the people and things around them (and on large amounts of stimulation). Extroverts are more focused on the external world, respond better to social cues and rewards

Introverts are comfortable by being left alone for long stretches of time, they isolate themselves in times of stress and difficulties to decompress which simply fulfills a mental and emotional need (it is completely different to being a shy person, it doesn't have at all that aspect to it), they just don’t prefer to be the center of attention. Introverts are more focused on the internal world, are naturally stimulated by their inner thoughts, feelings, more motivated by ideas and internal rewards

“Introverts and extroverts do not differ in the quality of the friendships that they have.”

People in the middle are often called Ambiverts types they are people who have a balance of extroversion and introversion in their personality type; who behave differently depending upon the setting they may be in, gregarious with friends or family but not be very outgoing in new situations or around strangers.
They can easily adapt as they feel more comfortable with their surroundings - often times they are better skilled by observing to prescribed social or official conduct required
Although many people feel that introversion and extroversion are black and white, extroverts are found more in our population than introverts, one quality that distinguishes extroverts is that to them being alone is boring so they look for exciting activities and company to fill a void

Whereas an Introvet seek solitude after socializing or interacting with others, they enjoy small groups of people or one-on-one conversations and they enjoy deep discussions about relevant, penetrating topics

Introverts are entertained by their rich inner lives and insights

In our Western culture, extroversion has been deemed as the “desired” personality type. The introvert is often acquainted with strange, they often feel pressured to conform to the standards which make up the “idealized” personality type just to fit the mold of what the world wants
Introverts are not “missing out” on life, they know what they want and love and will not find the same fulfillment in extroverted activities.
They enjoy life the way they want to, they should not play dress-up and put on an extrovert’s clothing because it's expected of them

Both types have equal strengths and weaknesses

Being outgoing and sociable is not the only skill that is of value, sometimes being thoughtful and introspective is just as important

Introverts on the other hand are probably beyond grateful to live in a technological age where they can write eloquently and publicly, be creative, being the exceptional quiet leaders that they really are by exuding a calming but empowering energy with their viewpoints, inspiring, discovering novel ideals, ideas, making connections, finding creative outlets to usher in an influx of groundbreaking insights and enjoying digging deeper with higher level of truth and wisdom

Being aware of our and other people's personality type can definitely prove beneficial to relate to each other in a more understanding way about advantages and disadvantages, giving people the respect they deserve and admiring, not judging, each other's differences - gaining insight benefits us to motivate and inspire each other's strengths rather than trying to make people feel inadequate because they don't fit our perceived world that runs basically mostly on 'copy & paste'

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