19 Nov

This is a story for the few people that find cooking boring (and some suffer in silence)

Some of us especially if you are a woman (the old days) have had to deal with an internal battle and a demand that woman should know, have to and be expected to be the best cook in the neighborhood - sigh!!!

On occasions, I did surprise even myself but it all had to do with me being in the mood and really interested in what I was doing.
Firstly, I had a very busy life, family, career with a lot of running around and cooking had to be done fairly fast and healthy
At the same time junk food wasn't something of an option or even available where I was living, that culture were pretty happy and proud of their cuisine which fell under the 'Mediterranean Diet'

With abundance of fresh produce why wouldn't that be exciting to keep in the diet?

What I was good at was finding the right gadgets that saved me time in the kitchen and simple recipes that for example would turn a boring salad into some special tasty delight or leave the peels of the potatoes when cooking them....to the horror of some

I hardly fried food, most vegetables could be be eaten raw, stir fried or steamed. Meat were dry fried, grilled, oven baked or steamed. Fish oven baked or grilled.
The weird thing was that I loved to barbecue, I don't know where that came from, but I could only sincerely enjoy cooking this way

The focus was all about the flavor especially with garlic, onion, stock cube, a combination of dry spices and in some dishes a teaspoon of sugar or honey added to the dish (my mother-in-law shared that secrete with me)

In those days sauces were not really on my menu, but eventually sauces were experimented and that was something I found to really help to 'accessorize' the really boring healthy dishes - all thanks to my friend who once knew a great chef and also came up with her own

Most of my friends are great cooks, and all have eaten my food and survived with nice compliments.
Lucky me, my friends are generous in sharing tips, tricks and quickest methods for the lazy cook who had to push and keep battling on

Today things seem to be prepared which helps a lot on preparation time, we have frozen vegetables, washed salad greens and the list goes on
Perhaps that was the solution all along and there must be others like me out there after all

We are now even more spoiled beyond our expectations
Soon, I will be adding the lazy cook recipes that may be fun for those struggling to cook their own homemade meals but want to keep them healthy

Quote for us:

Learn to... be what you are, and learn to resign with a good grace all that you are not.
- Henri Frederic Amiel

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