31 Oct

Sharing is Caring and this is what I wish to do

I have been wanting to do a blog for years now and finally
Here is goodbye to enough thinking  
but rather to taking action.

Haven't we all been beginners at something? We learn from others first and with time we own it and breathe life into something that seemed so out of our reach

I hope that we will enjoy the adventure together, sometimes it's all sunshine and sometimes it will be a bit of rain. The weather shows us how it's done

Let's get excited about being excited......this journey begins today!!!!

We know the things that bond people together is their similarities and tastes

The reality is that every single person we meet is our teacher; the good, the bad and the ugly

The best part is allowing ourselves to get to know someone so different to us......it may turn out to be a pleasant surprise

What we value the most is who can make us comfortable by feeling heard, valued and needed,
which is an expression of love

We also call that feeling respected

A quote for us
“You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.”
— Dale Carnegie

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