Alkaline Diet - Maintaining The Blood pH Level Healthy
Alkaline Diet - Maintaining The Blood pH Level Healthy
20 Nov
A balanced diet is comprised of food from all nutrients in all forms
To maintain healthy, our diet should consist of 60% alkaline forming foods and 40% acid forming foods
Therefore, the focus on healthy alkaline foods in our daily diet is praiseworthy to gain excellent health (while the benefit of this is the prevention of chronic diseases and inflammations)
This is in reference to having the right amount of pH blood level which supplies our body with the required nutrients and energy to sustain body cells, tissues and growth Studies have shown that the lack of some nutrients in a person’s body can lead to cancer cells and diseases which thrive in the acidity of our blood concentration of hydrogen ions Our kidneys work hard to sustain this balance to regulate our pH blood level by excreting extra hydrogen ions into the urine and reabsorbing bicarbonate from urine
Acidosis, which occurs when the blood has an increased level of acid, can wreak havoc on the body and can even be fatal in severe cases
Symptoms include rapid breathing, fatigue, confusion, jaundice, a decreased appetite, and an increase in heart rate
Researches maintain that the Human blood pH level should fall between 7.37 - 7.45 alkaline or having a pH value greater than that to be beneficial to excellent health In circumstances were a person needs to restore a very specific pH level the diet should consist of 80% alkaline forming foods and 20% acid forming foods to strive to reach the right balance
Alkaline diet also promotes with weight loss. This diet has food items which are high in fiber. Fibers are known to lower blood sugar levels and also cut cholesterol It helps us get plenty of alkaline minerals, like magnesium, calcium, and potassium, which are needed for strong bones, increased vitamin absorption and improved cardiovascular health
This diet actually initiates the body to desire more intake of more alkaline-forming foods (such as plant-based proteins, fruits, and vegetables) when minerals are lacking in the blood
In theory, is that foods that are labeled as “acid forming” should be incorporated into our diet in moderation, by each person determining the overall healthfulness and nutrition in them
By keeping our acid-base level in check (especially by cutting the food clutter) it can transform practically every aspect of our health, eliminating bad cravings and sometimes the side effects of feeling bloated, skin rashes, food allergies, etc
Many don't realize that malnutrition isn't just about the poor starving people in the world This term applies to the inadequacy of proper nutrition. While the reality is that most people are not educated enough to understand that what they eat are mostly based on their poor food choices, bad habits which spark addictions or cravings which in retrospect is caused by not eating the right foods - the body is missing nutritions and the person keeps feeding it the wrong ones (some are labeled 'empty nutrition' that instead just make people gain more weight or sickly)
Although a healthy diet is critical to maintain the right balance there are some outside factors that also increase acidity in our body and trigger plenty of harmful side effects. These are:
Stress Physical inactivity Over-exercise Overuse of antibiotics Frequent alcohol consumption Drug use Exposure to pesticides, herbicides, and pollution Frequent caffeine intake Low fiber intake
Which begs the reason for us to be careful, not allow our bodies to produce too much acid in our blood and make large efforts to strive to eat healthier every day!!