21 Nov

Nutrient deficiencies cause the weakening of the immune function

The immune system is our body’s network of organs and cells that fight off harmful bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi

Which are composed of a variety of different cell types and proteins.
Each functions with a specific task that perform at detecting and reacting against foreign invaders from our own tissues, which need to be protected
Although all components of the immune system interact with each other, central to the immune task are two categories of functioning responses:

Innate immune these cells are natural killers that occur rapidly and reliably. These cells travel through the bloodstream or in a mucous membrane called lymphatics (a fluid containing white blood cells) found in places like our nose, eyes, and mouth which fight infections before they can get inside us.
Adaptive immune these involve T-cells and B-cells, two cell types that require to learn not to attack our own cells. The advantages of these are their long-lived memory and the ability to adapt to new germs, they create antibodies that fight off invaders that destroy infected cells throughout our body

Because immunity typically declines as we age it becomes especially important to eat more immune-boosting foods as we get older.

One of my favorite rules as a preventive measure, is to take immune-boosting vitamins and minerals supplements (you need specific nutrients for optimal immunity) every change of season, in spring and in autumn to practice preventive care to stay healthy

Some of the most immune-boosting vitamins and minerals include folate, zinc, iron, beta-carotene, Vitamins B6, B12, C, D, and E
A strong immune system relies heavily on having a healthy, well-functioning gut.
Probiotics are “good” bacteria that help reduce inflammation and prevent infection, fermented foods, such as unpasteurized sauerkraut, kimchi, and kefir support bacterial health

During the cold season we can specifically protect our body from the coughing and sniffles by revving up our immune system so that we don’t get the flu

Besides eating healthy, the immune also needs the help of us sleeping well, lowering our stress levels, avoiding processed foods, exercising, making good hygiene a habit (especially frequent hand washing to keep germs at bay) and the importance of ventilating our home

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