05 Nov

Our subconscious mind patterns control what the outcome in our life becomes

Despite the enormous amount of material made available on the subject by way of books, articles, scientific papers, posts, lectures, tutorials, etc it is practically impossible to access the subconscious mind except for relatively brief periods of hypnosis as practiced by stage performers, therapists meditative protocols and the two times a day when our minds are accessible to accepting subconscious programming; it’s preferred before sleep or right when you wake up in the morning.

To alter your subconscious toxic beliefs, you need to set your priorities on which barrier you want to work on first. Then find related subconscious mind obstacles that are part of the whole picture.

All of us will find the childhood traumas that molded stubborn subconscious mind barriers. You must find the cause(s), and accordingly build a communication system with the subconscious mind. Most people’s subconscious minds are completely programmed to go back to sad memories, so they experience them over and over again.

This kind of repetitive spin of thoughts, emotions and action will provoke the destructive cycle that has dominated the view of how you see yourself or you think the world views you or how you look for distortion patterns in others, since you unconsciously have created what you expect to happen.

This negativity literally makes your body ill and also spreads to those around or close to you if the cycle is not broken.

Check out this poster on what happens inside the body when you are unhappy and/or stressed, plus, too much stress causes wrinkles.

Our subconscious mind is the filter by which we perceive all events that happen in our lives. The filter can be a well tuned machine that searches and locates the benefit from every situation. Or it can be flipped around to view all problems as detrimental and difficult.
Either way the filter doesn't care what it gives you, but only what you give it.

Change your feelings about a situation and you are adjusting the filter 

Studies have found that it takes between 4 weeks to 90 days to create a new neural pathway in the brain.

But even then, the modified behavior due to reprogramming the subconscious is temporary which requires a person to pick up 'habits' and get into a 'routine' that are repetitive so as to reinforce this on the subconscious mind – create neuronal wiring in the same place and if you are used to reflecting and evoking emotions do it at around the same time.

Dr. Bruce Lipton has explained how the first 7 years of a child's life are crucial in behavioral development for life, during this phase a child's brain is under the hypnotic state.

This is when the child downloads everything that is programmed into their brain, what they learn from their environment, what the adults teach them, the emotions they experience, what they see,
According to what their experience of the world is they will create their own filter perceive by all events .

An example that the subconscious is susceptible to modification exclusively during the early years is provided by religious beliefs instilled during the early years and constantly reinforced throughout life.

Repetition plays a huge part with instilling and reinforcing beliefs, good or bad......take your pick which one do you want dominating for you.

Quote for us
Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate 
- Carl Jung

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