07 Nov

The smartest man who ever lived

It is said that when a reporter asked Einstein how it felt to be the smartest man alive, he responded: “I don’t know. You need to ask Nikola Tesla”
Tesla is quoted as saying, “My brain is only a receiver. In the universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration”  - Nikola Tesla

Tesla invented our modern world - whatever work he did was for the benefit of humanity
He mastered wireless transmission of electricity; created fluorescent light bulbs, was a central figure in developing X-ray technology, the radio, electric motor, remote control technology, robotics, laser, wireless communication and he was creating a free clean electrical grid, among that we also know was a UFO craft which is hardly publicly mentioned

While he was alive his understanding of the universe was decades ahead of anyone in the world

His most powerful discoveries was the understanding that the entire universe is energy and is available to and subject to our mind

He was well aware that numbers are of great importance and that the whole Universe speaks in numbers

Tesla used that discovery to his advantage to become the most brilliant man who has ever walked the earth

Tesla 369 Code constitutes in the cognizant personality which can be the endless information we can mentally lay hold of to precisely know what to do in any moment to keep ourselves advancing towards our objectives

We have all heard about our subconscious mind which is important in many ways. But the Tesla Code works with our imagination which is controlled by our conscious mind

Our imagination manifests intent through vibrating energy

The state of being conscious, refers to totality in one's thoughts, feelings, impressions and what is happening around us
In other words, to be conscious is to be self aware

The discovery of what the Tesla 369 Code relates to
is the math code of the Universe
In vortex math if you polarize everything the numbers 1,2,4,5,7,8 are numbers that represent the physical world. The numbers 3,6,9 are numbers that represent the spiritual world, which govern the physical world from the quantum level

In vortex math number 9 is the most recurring number when adding up the sides or the circumference of a circle, and other shapes

We find lots of evidence that nature uses threefold and sixfold symmetry, including the hexagonal tile shape of the common honeycomb

These shapes are in nature, and the ancients emulated these shapes in the building of their sacred architecture

Through the Tesla Code thought, feelings, and beliefs with the combination of the unified field theory make up vibrational frequencies that begin to reshape the universe around you from the quantum level all the way up the physical world that we can see with the naked eye

Thought, feelings, and beliefs are spiritual non physical things that effect the physical universe around us because we are energetically, and vibrationally one with it

How to Easily and Quickly Shape Your World and Get Anything You Want From Life :
When a person imagines something by focusing on an outcome or when setting goals by using the conscious mind
if done 10-15 minutes a day clearly perceived by the senses and especially by the sense of sight this can furnish the state of expectation which can take a few weeks, less or longer

With a little concentrated effort you can use the Tesla Code to bend reality to your desire, by just using your conscious mind - you just have to keep your mind focused on the goal....

Quote for us

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” 
― Nikola Tesla

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