29 Mar

The Magnificent Journey Of Our Personal Growth

Throughout our lives, we all go through different phases that require us to devote serious effort with the different levels to self-preservation - life is one long graduate school that compels us to expand our emotional, physical, material, and spiritual fulfillment to achieve our full potential of our existence

And while all these are significant to your survival and to feel connected It has always been about things that make you feel alive and invigorated which will automatically open the door of possibility in your own life once you start to really put effort into what you feel passionate about

In other words, self-actualization is the full realization of your creative, intellectual, and social potential that comes from your internal interests and values

It is considered one of the most critical driving force of influence that motivates us in our life and it supports positive growth such as free will, self-educating and self-improvement

Anyone can do it in their unique way
It is a very personal process and will vary significantly from person to person

The extraordinary power of this is that it ties in with positive psychology
through its connection with a person feeling happy, healthy and prosperous

And when you strive to reach your full personal potential you will realize that it isn't all about making the most money or achieving the highest status that brings people true happiness
It's all about the full use and exploitation of talent, capacities, potentiality that arrives after following the decision, the discipline, the dedication to focus on continual growth that requires a specific and deliberative act of will

While a self-actualized individual has concrete goals, they are realistic about the journey toward achieving a goal in that its just as important extension to all areas of life and enjoyable, as is actually accomplishing the goal

One area many of us struggle with is acknowledging and accepting our progress positively and proactively, we may stumble with what we might need to do next

But clarity always comes at the right moment when it's time for the next phase

Quote for us:
Finding happiness is like finding yourself. You don't find happiness, you make happiness. You choose happiness. Self-actualization is a process of discovering who you are, who you want to be and paving the way to happiness by doing what brings you the most meaning and contentment to your life over the long run. 
- David Leonhardt

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