08 Nov

Stress affects us all, it is the body's reaction to uncomfortable or harmful situations

While In small doses, stress can help you accomplish tasks, too much stress can wear you down and make you sick, both mentally and physically
Our bodies are designed to handle small doses of stress. But, we are not equipped to handle long-term, chronic stress without ill consequences

Stress can affect all aspects of your life, including your emotions, behaviors, thinking ability, and physical health.
No part of the body is immune

When you feel threatened, a chemical reaction occurs in your body that allows you to act in a way to prevent injury.
This reaction is known as "fight-or-flight,” or the stress responseYour central nervous system (CNS) is in charge of your “fight or flight” response

In your brain, the hypothalamus signals your adrenal glands to release the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline into the bloodstream which revs up your heartbeat and your lungs to produce more oxygen

Blood rushes to the areas that need it most in an emergency, such as your muscles, heart and other important organs. The response will continue if the CNS fails to return to normal and if the stressors doesn’t go away

Most damaging, over time, stress hormones will weaken your immune system and reduce your body’s response to foreign invaders

People under chronic stress are more susceptible to viral illnesses like the flu and the common cold, as well as other infections and the time it takes for the body to recover from an illness or injury

If you don't think your anxiety, depression, sadness and stress impact your physical health, think again.
All of these emotions trigger chemical reactions in your body, which can lead to inflammation and a weakened immune system.
Learn how to cope, sweet friend. There will always be dark days.

- Kris Carr

How can we cope more with stress, learn to relax more, pamper yourself, spend time outdoors, exercise, meditate, communicate with others so you can brainstorm together, visit people, take a drive, listen to music, watch a comedy, read a book, paint, sing, dance, write, take classes, etc
Do something special for yourself, you deserve to be spoiled
you and your health matter
Change your life style, check what you can keep, and what to dump from your to-do list, get others involved in helping you overcome some problems that will give you time to recharge and reboot

Take responsibility to face what triggered you to stress and work on it, don't runaway, you will feel stronger for doing that

Don't let other people make you overthink things that you would normally just have known and been able to sort it out without the negative reaction or influence

Don't approach people who have no experience with relating to your stress
they have more mouth than ears to listen than to understand you

Stay away from toxic, bad mouths, gossipers, two faced, pretentious people - you need loyal and strong minded stable people around you

Remember we often can’t do much about the external stress factors themselves, but we can choose how we react to them

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